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In the pallet world, there are two primary types of pallets: new and remanufactured (“reman”). New pallets are assembled from scratch with new lumber and hardware that is stocked and inventoried. Comparatively, reman pallets are assembled from reused pallet materials that will need to be sourced, sorted, dismantled, culled out, cut and reconstructed to a specific size.

New pallets are typically built by machines that can roll out large numbers efficiently and create a variety of custom-sized pallets. New pallets are generally more consistent in their manufacturing and provide more durability for long-term use.

Reman pallets are usually built by hand using wood from older pallets. These pallets provide significant cost savings, can be built to meet custom specs and provide a sustainable alternative to continually purchasing new pallets.

Benefits of Reman Pallets

All pallets will eventually wear down and need repairs. With a huge number of pallets ending up in landfills, reman pallets offer a solution to prevent pallets from becoming a source of waste. Reusing and reconstructing supporting and raw materials can give a worn pallet new life. Lumber and materials used to construct reman pallets will have been exposed to environmental impacts that actually strengthen the pallet components. Lumber used for reman pallets contains less moisture leading to a durable and quality structure. In addition, reman pallets can typically be stored outdoors rather than having to be sheltered from environmental elements and mold. Reman pallets also extend the life of construction materials, providing a sustainable product and positive environmental impacts. In short, you can achieve significant cost savings using reman pallets without compromising on quality.

Use, Repair, Repeat – Understanding Remanufactured Pallets

Successfully Sourcing Reman Pallets

If reman pallets are an option for your organization, finding an experienced and trustworthy sourcing partner should be at the top of your priority list. The right pallet shop will be able to effectively collaborate about expectations, pallet specifications, design solutions and material availability. Your reman pallet source should also be able to act quickly regarding quality complaints to correct and prevent issues from becoming recurring problems.

At Pallet Alliance, we have over 20 years of experience working with remanufactured pallets. Our team includes experts who have the knowledge necessary to design, source and deliver safe, strong and sustainable reman pallets custom built to meet your needs. We are able to identify what pallets will work for your products and handling environment, while effectively communicating with our supplier network, helping you to feel confident in the decision to trust reman pallets.